From Boreg Hill to "HaPitriya, at Timna Park

For families

Trail Color Markers: The first part is blue and then green

The start of the trail is in the parking lot of Boreg Hill. The name is given to the hill to the west because of the rock steps that climb around it diagonally and gives it a shape similar to a boreg (Hebrew for a screw."" In the past, the hill was also known as the 'frog,' 'lion' and 'pagoda'. Boreg Hill is one of the brightest spots in the park. The site is illuminated by solar energy absorbed during the day in solar cells. At nightfall, the hill is illuminated by the light that feeds on these cells. The trail descends northward to Nahal Timna, encircling the hill to the south and west, continuing and crossing the central wadi of the Nahal. The wide wadi contains Acacia trees, and at times it is possible to observe the deer feeding on them. Even the ibex, which are characteristic of the cliffs, are sometimes seen grazing in the wadis' trees.
At the junction with the trail marked with red, you will continue following the blue markings until it splits with the green markings. Here you turn left to the southwest, following the green markings and reach the 'Ha Pitria veHetzi' (mushroom and a half). This is the nickname of two red sandstone blocks. On the ground, you can see rounded stones called quartz eggs.

These were ancient pebbles from the period in which sandstone layers were isolated. The trail crosses the road leading to the arches and leads you directly to the HaPitria site. You can end the trip in the parking lot of the HaPitria site or continue following the green markers south another kilometer to the park's central road and down to Solomon's Pillars.

Written by: Assaf Holzer

Photo: Dafna Tal for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism

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3 km
hours 2
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Відправна точка
Timna Park (карта)
Кінцева точка
Timna Park (карта)
Map no. 20

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