Bor Hemet

For families

This is a watering hole that belonged to a group of "Israeli" pits about 3,000 years ago. The pits were dug into soil/soft rock and lined with stones. There is no plaster in the pit, and it holds water due to the clay soil into which it was dug. Two canals led run water from the slope to three holding pools. From them, the water flowed through a series of steps.
There were steps used for descending found on the other side of the hole. From here you get to a green trail mark that climbs the hill to the south, parallel to the road. The ascent ends, and you continue going on a wide and flat plain. The trail marker leads to the mouth of the wadi between hills in a general direction to the east. The path climbs gently and then turns sharply to the right and descends into a ravine.
Here you will find a blue trail marking and walk to the left. Walk about 600 meters uphill in the Wadi until you reach an impressive observation point on the cliff of the Ramon Crater. The Ramon Crater is the largest crater in Israel, and from here you can see the colorful and ancient sandstone exposed at the bottom. You will return with the blue trail marking until you meet the green trail marking you walked down on. Continue down the ravine with the blue trail marking. Along almost 1.5 kilometers of trail and you'll encounter beautiful desert flora that characterizes the Negev highlands of Pituranthos tortuosus, White Broom, and Atlantic Pistacia, and colorful tulips when in bloom.
The blue trail marking turns sharply to the right and climbs the side of the ravine and takes us back to the parking lot.

Written by: Yoash Limon, Har HaNegev Tourism

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Піші прогулянки
Поряд з
Міцпе Рамон
5.5 km
hours 2
Рівень складності
Відправна точка
Bor Hemet, Road 171 (карта)
Кінцева точка
Bor Hemet, Road 171 (карта)
Map no. 18

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Підходить для дітей
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Нахаль Ція 7, Mitzpe Ramon
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Сдерот Бен-Гуріон 3, Дімона
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Joe "Menta" - Mitzpe Ramon

Гамбургер/Фаст фуд, М'ясо
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